RippleRP Rules

Written by

General Rules

  • Use common sense.
  • Excessive racism and bigotry is not allowed
  • You need a valid RP reason to damage any player (ARDM/RDM/SSA). You may only kill someone in self defense if they have damaged you first.
  • If there is a job-specific rule category for a job, the rules for jobs prioritize other rules.
  • Any form of baiting players to break the rules will result in a jail/ban.
  • Staff is here to help. If there is no rule listed or its specifications, Staff may tell you what is and isn't allowed. 
  • Spamming of any kind is not allowed.
  • Do not disconnect, suicide, change jobs, change names to get out of a roleplay/staff situation. This will result in a harsher or additional punishment.
  • Scamming is not allowed. RippleRP is not responsible for any issues with real currency for in-game currency transactions. 
  • Displaying personal information such as phone numbers, emails, addresses, & ips is not allowed even if its just a joke.
  • Breaking your hitbox in any way is not allowed.
  • The only real-life transaction allowed is in-game items for store purchases (Ex: Money for ranks, etc.) 
  • Under no circumstance, you may not harass players. This includes but is not limited to systematic targeting for raids/mugs/terrors/etc and verbal/text abuse. 
  • Abuse of props to minge/block of entities or players & any other malicious ways is not allowed
  • Use of third-party software such as auto clickers  and altered clients to gain an advantage is not allowed
  • Raidable entities may not be made invisible, they can be materialized as long as they are visible. This also includes entity Cameras & Scanners.
  • Players may only own one base

 RP Rules

  • Do not break Mayor's Grace. Mayor's Grace is a 10 MINUTE period that starts when the mayor is first elected, during this period of time you may not harm the PD or the mayor. (You may kill/damage the mayor if he shoots you first)
  • Do not rp in safe zones.
  • Do not use props to float or fly to a higher point on the map. (Prop surfing)
  • You may KOS (Kill on Sight) anyone on your property with prior warning or KOS sign.


  • All raidables need to have a clear way to be accessed. You should be able to access all raidables without using the helium vape, grappler, etc…
  • You may NOT kidnap players to throw them into the sewers or areas that they can't get out of. You may not purposely get players stuck by placing them into walls.
  • Do not break NLR, Only applies to Raids, Territory Takeover, and Kidnappings.
  • NLR Definition: You may not return to a rp situation in which you have been killed
  • You may only demote for RP reasons. (You may not use the /demote command when Staff are online) 
  • You may not destroy other player's entities without a valid reason. (i.e. raiding or stealing)
  • You are kos to everyone when you are pickpocketing
  • Using the Grapple Hook or slappers on players makes you KOS
  • Grappling, Slapping & Pickpocketing staff in adminmode and players in spawn is FailRP
  • Government may not random weapon check or taze players
  • Throwing raidables/entities out of the map boundaries on purpose is not allowed
  • You may not using fading door binds during RP situations
  • You may not use keypads, button, or other source methods to fix a broken fading door that was blown up by a breaching charge DURING a raid. The raid must be concluded or adverted over.
  • Using Drugs in an rp situation is classed as FailRP.

Basing Guidelines
Where you may base

  • Inside buildings behind ownable world doors (backyard/parking lot/courtyard included if there is one)
  • You may build up to the sidewalk or in the parking lot attached to said building (that you own) as long as it doesn't block any entities
  • On roofs as long it does not block any entities and you own the roof. If roof doesn't have building under it you can still build there.
  • Only government may build in the PD, the mayor gets the authority to tell police to remove their builds if he wishes.

How/What you may build

  • In order to be part of a base you must either be attached to the front world door or in the party of the base owner, You must also own the door/be in a party to defend said base in a raid & enforce KOS rules.
  • You may not build during rp situations such as raids/kidnaps/mugs/etc & you may not build in other peoples bases.
  • Bases must have a clear way in and out of the base.
  • Bases may not be mazes, zig zag, blackout (all one single color and hard to navigate), force a player to crouch/jump, or epileptic.
  • Bases may only have 3 turns built into with props. Turns due to how the map is made do not count.
  • Bases may not have fading doors on or at the end of ladder. (You may not force someone to lockpick while on a ladder)
  • Bases may not restrict in a players movement in any way such as: Slippery floors, hard to enter entrances (and exits), & force a player to take damage.
  • Bases may not have ladders in their kill tunnels/boxes.
  • You must be able to fit 3 people without colliding in-between fading doors.
  • Bases may have a max of 3 normal fading doors & two windows. Keypads must last for a minimum of 5 SECONDS.
  • One way shooting (where you can shoot a player but they cant shoot back) is not allowed. One way viewing props and shooting through them is allowed.
  • No collided props ontop of fading doors are not allowed nor are no collided bullet proof props.
  • No collided props that stack together to be bullet proof are not allowed
  • You may not have invisible props
  • The minimum size for a fading door is the surface area of a "models/hunter/blocks/cube05x05x05.mdl"
  • Ultra skinny or props made difficult to lockpick are not allowed.
  • You must be able to lockpick and keypad crack through an entire base.
  • You can put down a building sign to not be raided however you cannot have raidables with those signs.
  • You cannot propblock off your entities
  • You cannot have a base designed to get players stuck/trapped, if a player gets stuck or trapped in your base you must either kill them or let them out as long as its not a raid/kidnap.
  • Freezing props into players or purposefully closing a fading door on them is not allowed
  • Mega basing is not allowed.
  • Exemption: You may combine a roof base to a normal base if the roof is on top of the normal base.
  • Do not angle ramps in any way to distort movement, they must have a smooth walk flow. 
  • All ramps must be at least big as a 1x1x1 square. Using a ramp to get to a roof must be 3 squares wide.
  • Ramp entrances may not be fading doored.
  • You may not have a pixel gap as a shoot through, both parties of a raid must be able to be shot back at.
  • Water bases may not have an extended/long entrance tunnel.
  • You may not close any world/fading doors behind a player during a raid to purposely trap them in your base
  • You may not have entities block the way into a base. Example: Cameras, Scanners, Turrets, Ect

KOS Signs

  • If your base is behind a ownable world door then you may kos anyone not on said door once they pass it & as long as they are in said base.
  • If your base does not have a ownable world door you must have a minimum size 50 text screen that is easy to see that states They may be kos if they are in/on your property. EX: Kos on ramp / Kos inside
  • If you are a casino manager/hotel manager/dealer you may not kos players in areas which you sell your product that are actively buying said product/leaving with said product.

 Adverting Guidelines

  • You may advert Party Raid to have all eligible members of your party raid together.
  • Adverts that are not Distinct & Noticeable such as (black & white colors) is not allowed. Adverts Must Be able to be read clearly & noticeable.
  • Combining multiple adverts into one advert (Universal Binds) are not allowed! Ex: (/advert Raid/PD Raid/Bank Raid) & (/advert Over/False)
  • If you are in a party you may defend your party members if they are damaged, being kidnapped, mugged, or killed.
  • Party members May Not defend fellow party members in the event of altercations in which they used slappers or grapple hooks on a player and took damage from them
  • All raids must be adverted outside of a players property line. You may not raid inside a players property line OR raid hobos.
  • You Do Not have to advert over in an assist if the person who calls the raid dies however you must call it over once the max raid time has been achieved.
  • FearRP applies in all muggings. You may refuse to drop money but maybe killed for refusing.


  • You must advert "RAID" before raiding a home.
  • You must advert STEAL to steal from another player
  • You must advert CAR JACK before jacking another players car.
  • You are required to advert OVER after completing any advert. (This include: "OVER")
  • You must advert "BANK RAID" before raiding the bank.
  • You must advert "PD RAID" before raiding the PD.
  • You may only advert ASSIST to help someone else who is raiding. 
  • You must advert "MUG" within your advert. You must specify what you want from the victim within your advert. You must give the victim 10 SECONDS before you can shoot them. Mugging amounts cannot exceed 15,000.
  • You may only counter crimes (Raiding, Mugging, Kidnapping, Stealing, etc.) (YOU MUST ADVERT COUNTER)
  • You may Warn players to step away from you if they are following you, trying to disturb you, or on the property you or your party members own.
  • You must advert "WARN" three times before acting upon your warning. You must wait 3 SECONDS between each of your warns.
  • You must advert "KIDNAP" before knocking out your victim. Using the baton or restraints counts as kidnapping.
  • You may only take a maximum of $50,000 from your victim, in order to release them.
  • You may only keep your kidnapped victim for a maximum of 5 MINUTES.
  • You must advert "Kill me" if you want a player to kill you. Attempting to bait players that do not know this rule into killing you is not allowed.


  • You must wait 5 MINUTES between raiding bases and 15 MINUTES to raid the same base. (Applies to Bank, PD)
  • There is a 10 MINUTE cooldown for Terror " & "Gang War"
  • You must wait 10 MINUTES between mugging players and 20 MINUTES to mug the same player.
  • You must wait 5 MINUTES between car jacking players and 10 MINUTES for the same player.
  • You must wait 5 MINUTES between kidnapping players and 20 MINUTES to kidnap the same player.
  • You must wait 5 MINUTES between stealing from players.
  • There is a 5 MINUTE cooldown for "The Peace is Over"

E2 Rules

  • E2s/Holograms must be placed on your property. (Hobos, Dealers, and are the only classes that may place them in public)
  • E2s which automate money making or assist in the process in any way are not allowed (Gambling e2s are permitted as long as they follow the normal gambling e2 rules)
  • Donation e2s & ones used to sell goods to players (like hotel rooms or guns) are exempt aswell
  • You may use E2 to block base entrances/exits with holograms or EGP screens. So long as it follows the basing guidelines, and there is still a viable entrance to your base.
  • You may use not E2 to edit/change the appearance of any weapon/ yourself.
  • You may not use E2s that show, reveal, or record player chat or player location. (Unless being E2 is for TTS/Pets)
  • You may only use E2 on Go-Karts/Vehicles if they are playing music and the Go-Kart/Vehicle is completely stationary!
  • You may not use E2s/E2 holograms that blind, follow, or target other players.
  • Gambling E2s must publicly displayed the odds of winning near machine.
  • Gambling E2s that are rigged / fraudulent will result in a week ban and removal of e2.
  • You may not use auto-collector E2s or any form of wire mod on anything that will give money (printer/bitcoin/etc).
  • You may not use E2s that move props. (Elevators, Sliding Doors, Hoverboards, etc.)
  • You may not play ear rape through any music e2.
  • When using an E2 to play music, it must be stationary. (Do not pick up and chase players with your music E2)
  • You may not use E2 to create excessively bright/blinding areas. (Ex. Excessive use of Light Function)
  • You may not use E2 to teleport any entity to you or another player. However, using E2 to teleport shipments from your base to a specific sale position is OK, as long as you are a dealer *Ex. A Vending Machine Gunshop*.
  • You may not use the E2 Money Request function to trick players into paying you any amount of money that wasn't agreed to. (Ex. Randomly sending people money requests for 1 mil or making your donation screen display one amount but actually request another)
  • You may not use E2 to give yourself powers not bestowed upon you by your current rank. (ex. Noclip, teleportation, god mode, etc.)
  • You may not use E2 to troll or ruin the RP experience of any player. (Zero Tolerance!)
  • If a staff member requests you to remove an E2, you must remove it. (if you believe your E2 is completely legal and you were asked to remove it falsely, remove it and contact a higher up for approval to use it)
  • You may not use E2 to spawn a ragdoll/use a hologram to spawn a ragdoll. You may not ragdoll a hologram with E2.
  • You may use E2 to change your Go-Kart/vehicle appearance, however, it may only be done with Holograms (NO PROPS) and the final product must be no larger than the original vehicle's size (Within reason). A vehicle must NOT flash or make any noise that isn't part of the vehicle by default, When changing the appearance of a vehicle it must be easy to quickly distinguish that is a vehicle. (Ex, Can't just put random holograms on an invisible Go-Kart. It must still be easy to look at and say, ''yes that's a car''). You may not change your player model appearance using e2.
  • E2 Keypads are no longer allowed. ( Please use the new Unisec keypads )
  • Smart opener E2s ( E2 that opens fading doors for yourself or your party members when near it ) must be open for 5 SECONDS.
  • E2 Alarms are allowed once again but on the condition that they don't make any noise.
  • All E2 code must be not encrypted / protected (Accessible to be read).
  • You may not have an alarm E2 that provides you descriptive information of a player. Ex: Health, Armor, Weapons, Ect.
  • You may not use E2/Wire on Hybrid, Health, & Armor printers.

Government Official Rules

  • Government officials are only allowed to base in the PD. 
  • You must have a warrant to search a residence.
  • You may only weapon check a player if they are entering the pd or going though a toll booth
  • You must do /advert Police Raid when conducting a raid.
  • Government officials may not hire personal guards/medics/citizens and etc to guard the PD/etc.
  • Government officials may defend each other if the other is being shot. (Do not need to be in a party to protect other police officers)
  • Government Officials may only party with other government officials.
  • CP may arrest anyone at any time (even with no mayor) if they see illegal activities. 
  • Any members of PD may block off the entrance/exit from sewers connected to PD.
  • You may not unarrest anyone unless told by/are the mayor. If there is no mayor present, then you may unarrest anyone you like
  • You can NOT restrict the weapon usage of a player with a gun license.
  • You must try to arrest before killing anybody. This includes but is not limited to CP Raids.
  • You may possess illegal items/Go corrupt. When doing so, you must make a law saying, “Government has gone corrupt.”
  • Hobos may not be arrested during lock downs   

Cinema/TV Rules/Picture Frames

  • X-Rated content is not allowed to be played / shown anywhere. (This includes nudity, porn, etc.)
  • Playing any form of realistic human or animal death/killing in the cinema or on your TV is an automatic ban.

Job Rules

  • May not counter crimes (If a crime is happening to their party member they may counter it)


  • Aliens are KOS to everyone at all times. You may only party with other aliens.
  • Aliens must advert "THE PEACE IS OVER" before going on a killing spree. They may only last 5 MINUTES.
  • You may only use the weapon you spawn with. (Nomad)

Mob boss/Hitman:

  • Hitman may only raid to complete a hit. (Mob boss can raid anytime)
  • You may not mug as a Hitman.


  • You must follow the red Teletubbies orders.

Gang Members:

  • Teletubbies and babies are enemies.
  • Enemy Gang leader may advert asking each other if they wish to have a "gang war". If they both agree then both gangs may kos each other for 5 MINUTES.
  • Having a new leader ask to have a gang war by switching jobs is not allowed
  • You may not "spawn camp" during a gang war

Bank Manager Rules:

  • You may build in the bank, but the vault must be accessible at all times.
  • Immune to laws against weapons (such as aos if guns out)
  • You may only KOS if players are past the second door.
  • You may not allow people to rob the bank.
  • You are allowed to legally store printers in the bank, max you may charge is 75k deposit fee
  • You may not be corrupt & allow players (that aren't gov) into the vault.
  • You may not kos police in your vault (as long as they aren't breaking rules)

Bank Guard:

  • You must listen to your manager at all times.
  • Immune to laws against weapons (such as aos if guns out)
  • You must have the bank manager's approval to build in the bank.
  • You may only KOS if players are PAST the SECOND door.
  • You may not be corrupt & allow players (that aren't gov) into the vault.
  • You may not kos police in your vault (as long as they aren't breaking rules)


  • You may only self-supply to provide a way to defend yourself.
  • You must actively sell products.
  • You are not allowed to raid, mug, kidnap, etc.
  • The Supplier is the only dealer that may self-supply and raid, mug, kidnap, etc.
  • You must have a KOS sign stating your reasons for KOS. 


  • You may play music through your mic for tips. (You may not play ear rape)
  • You may not carry out anything larger than a pistol. (the hand raygun count as a pistol) ***
  • You may not own/store any valuables of any kind.
  • Props may not block NPCs, doorways, entrances to bases, etc.
  • You may not place your props near anyone's property. (This is to keep noise level down from others basing)
  • Your buildings may not have fading doors.

 Casino Manager:

  • Your casino must be open to everybody. You may not KOS without a sign stating reasons to KOS.
  • Casino managers cannot place their machines in public. This includes roads, sidewalks, rooftops, etc. 
  • You may have a VIP section of your casino. However, you must have 3 slot machines available to the public at no charge.
  • You can only charge a max fee of 75k to enter your VIP section.
  • You may not have/store raidables in the casino.


  • You may only base in the PD.
  • You may have checkpoints in the PD to check for illegal items/weapons.
  • You may call for PD backup during a PD raid if you are still alive. CP may return to an area after being called for backup only once.
  • Laws may not conflict with server rules & or default laws.
  • Bail may only be up to $100,000.
  • You may not make KOS laws.
  • You may not fire/ demote any PD for no reason/there must be a valid RP reason to fire someone.
  • You may not make laws that restrict movement (No J-Walking, Crouching is AOS, etc.)
  • You may not make any laws that restrict speech & appearance.
  • You may not make laws that target specific players/jobs & or have laws that make people immune to laws.
  • You may only call a lockdown if TERROR or PEACE IS OVER is called by their respective job.
  • Lockdowns may only last for 5 MINUTES
  • You may not remove someone's license unless stated in the law how they would get it removed.
  • You must let every police officer access the integrity of the PD.
  • You may only restrict police officer's access to your office/vault.  (You need to give the codes/create a party if you build past the second door)


  • You may not own any sort of weapon.
  • You follow around and obey your owner.


  • You must advert "TERROR" before attacking the town. You may only kill for 30 SECONDS. 
  • If there is a Terrorist Leader, you must listen to his commands.
  • You may only use the c4 during terrors.


City Worker

  • City worker may build up to jobs if the situation requires it aslong as no ones base is effected by said build
  • City worker must delete their build up to the job once said job is over
  • Abusing the build up rule to a job to disadvantage players on purpose is not allowed


  •  Sonic can buy weapons and base that’s it
  • Sonic can go on a killing spree every 10 minutes using the advert Gotta Go Fast!
  • Sonics are always KOS


  • Do not leave the SIT until it has concluded.
  • Do not go AFK in the sit.
  • Do not spam in any way. The staff member may ask you to cease communications or actions and if you do not, You may be muted, gagged, jailed, or frozen.
  • Do not disrespect Staff during the SIT. We are here to help you and protect the server.
  • Do not argue Staff decisions in-game. If you have an issue with a Staff member's decision, take it to the forums.
  • Do not spawn props/entities during a SIT.
  • Do not RP in a sit.
  • Heavily disrespecting either the other party or staff member in a sit may leave you jailed, gagged or muted